In a year of incredible difficulty that was 2020, many people had to learn new lessons in order to survive. Tavion Maultsby (@tee_dabarber) , better known as Tee The Barber, was one of these people. 2020 taught Tee that you couldn’t rely on one source of income, but instead you had to diversify yourself even if that meant putting in more hours.
Tee the Barber works for a barbershop called The Barbers Inc Barbershop in the Bay Area Ca. His childhood was one surrounded by barbershops and hair Salons as both of his parents were in the business. Despite growing up with two role models in his life both in the hair business, he was incredibly hesitant to join the profession.
“I was very hesitant to become a barber because I did not want to follow in my parent’s footsteps. At the time, I had no viable option and decided to pursue barbering due to a short-notice layoff from my electrician job. I had some experience from being in my parents’ shop and sometimes cutting my cousins when I spent my summers in Atlanta. As an adult, I revisited this role and decided to attempt to make it a career,” Tee the Barber recounts.
His first shot at cutting hair was not the biggest success and Tee the Barber was barely making ends meeting. He decided he needed to fully invest in the business and branch out from just helping his mom at her shop. He had to do something bigger and something that was uniquely his. He made the scary decision to leave Florida, but it turned out to be the best decision he ever made.
“I was able to quadruple my barbering income within 2 years, able to establish my own barbering product line, be hired as the CFP National Championship official barber as well as earning the title of the official barber of local NFL organizations in the bay area. Being laid off from my electrical position changed my life. Moving from Florida to the Bay Area to expand my barbering career took it to a whole other level which I never thought would have been possible,” Tee the Barber explains.
However, this is not even the end of what Tee the Barber has been able to accomplish. When things got tough for him during the pandemic, he branched out even further and now, he is the owner of five different businesses. One of these businesses is one that is focused on teaching others the importance of good credit and passive income.
“I am using what I learned in 2020 to do a mentorship, sharing with everyone and anyone how important credit, business credit, passive income, and much more! I am also in the works of writing an ebook to beach people how to business credit financial freedom. Launching soon mid march. Finally, I am also developing a mentorship program 2021 passive income all the steps launched by spring/summer,” Tee the Barber remarks.
In addition to all of this, plus house calls for celebrities looking to get in on what Tee is doing, he is also starting a new organic product for hair, which he details below:
“I’m currently working on expanding and creating new products for my organic hair product line called ‘Favored Essentials’. The goal is to create affordable healthy hair products for all hair textures while honoring God at the same time ‘favored”. It was released to the public last year. I’m building some steam with this business and have major plans to scale this operation throughout the country. I’m also working on maintaining a healthier lifestyle because without health none of this could be possible. I’m also working on merchandise for barbers and stylists as well ex. shirts, capes, hats and more,” Tee the Barber says.
If you want to learn more about Tee, you can follow him on instagram @tee_dabarber