Suzette The Mommypreneur was able to turn around her life in an incredible fashion within just a few months. At the beginning of 2021, she was struggling to get by financially. She was homeless and couldn’t pay bills for her young daughter who was fighting for her life in the hospital.
“At the beginning of 2021, I was homeless with a three month old baby girl. 2 months prior, my daughter was in the hospital fighting for her life. In spite of all the challenges, by the grace of God, we overcame. I knew that in order to change my situation I had to change my mindset. After my daughter’s health improved we set out for another state and a new life. Entrepreneurship was always a goal, the freedom and mobility just turned me on! However, I knew it wouldn’t be easy, especially being a new, single mother,” Suzette recounts.
Suzette knew that the way she was living was not an option; she knew that surviving and just barely scraping by was no way to live for either her or her daughter. To her, entrepreneurship was the perfect way to get ahead and change her way of living.
“I landed on Turo, my car rental business. Starting a car rental business would give me purpose, allow me to provide an essential service to other people, fulfill the need of a car while using other people’s money to pay the note and insurance every month! Another no brainer! I did some more research and found what car was in demand. So I went all in! I started a new business, went to a credit union I have a great relationship with and they gave me the financing to get the car and the rest is history!” Suzette exclaims.
To say that Suzette has been successful would be an understatement. Suzette was able to pay off loans within the first month and has only grown from there. Suzette’s rocket to the top has gathered a lot of attention and interest in her story, so she took to writing a book.
“Within the first month of business the car note and insurance was paid! I had never been in the car rental industry prior and had no mentor to guide me. The fact that I had so much success starting out propelled me to help other people starting out. I created an eBook called, Beginner’s Guide To Turo, a 5 step guide showing budding entrepreneurs how to get financing, how to find the hottest vehicles in their area, how to list the vehicle, how to take great pictures, and how to model what’s working. Literally these 5 steps are what I did to get here,” Suzette explains.
Suzette’s journey was not without obstacles. At first, Suzette was an obstacle to herself and had to get her life in order in order to begin making a difference in her own life. She details the struggle below:
“The biggest obstacle was myself. I had to get over myself in order to become successful. I had to get over the anger and resentment of being a single parent. I had to get over the anger and resentment of being abandoned by people I loved. I had to get over the negative thoughts as a result of my situation. Things that I couldn’t control were somehow controlling me. That had to change in order for any hope of success to be possible.”
With so much success in the previous year, Suzette is working on big things for the new year. She is adding new pieces to her business that will take it to the next level for both herself and her customers.
“My next project is adding housing to my car rental business. The hospitality market is booming! I want to be a one stop shop for everything including transportation and lodging. They both are a necessity to life. You need a place to rest and you need a way to get to where you need to be. No brainer!” Suzette says.
To find out more about Suzette, you can follow her on Instagram here and check out her website here.