The future is full of exciting new technologies. Some of the best minds from around the world are looking to new technologies to shape our world in the coming years. Dr. Abdalla Kablan is one of these incredible minds looking to make a difference in the world of technology and artificial intelligence, AI, in particular.
“I am very passionate about pushing the boundaries of AI to achieve what I like calling Artificial Wisdom.
My aim is to steer technology in a way to allow us to eventually create wiser systems rather than the creation of just intelligent systems and I’ll try to explain why. The problem that we’ve had in AI in general goes down to the roots of understanding data. Data, in my personal opinion, is a five step process; the life-cycle of data, it starts with data which if processed becomes information, information evolves into knowledge which becomes understanding, and understanding with time intelligence and efficient processing becomes wisdom. Achieving wisdom rather than just intelligence is what technology should aim to achieve” Dr. Kablan explains.
Dr. Kablan is an investor in many types of businesses in the technology industry. He is also a talented entrepreneur and award winning AI and fintech expert. He successfully founded and sold multiple companies including the recent exit of Wyzer to a Nasdac-Nordic listed company, which is why he is often called the Elon Musk of Arabia!
“Today I invest in an array of high tech businesses, the most recent being investing in advanced semiconductors and neuromorphic computing chip projects which will be a new revolution in AI; imagine having a brain on a chip. This is particularly exciting, because the world is running out of semiconductor chips. Many world leaders declared that the scarcity of semiconductor chips is a matter of concern, hence I believe that this is the time to re-invent the chip and build it with a neuromorphic architecture in mind which is what I plan to do as I will be announcing soon.
Furthermore as the founding director of Wyzer, I still actively provide overall continuous day-to-day leadership to enhance the effectiveness and performance of the Company and I assist with developing the Company’s corporate strategy, growing the Company’s market profile and establishing new business relationships and I plan to grow Wyzer globally,” Dr. Kablan states.
What has made Dr. Kablan a successful leader in the industry, where many others have tried and failed to succeed, is his idea that value is much more important than money. He focuses on putting value into everything he does.
“I am a firm believer that value is greater than money. I have always seeked and strived to add value to whatever project I get involved in, money was always a byproduct and I don’t deny that I was successful at that. But no matter how much money one has, whether a lot or just a little, I think being in a position to spend good quality time with my wife, kids, and family is the true freedom that I cherish the most,” Dr. Kablan remarks.
With so much learning and technology on the forefront of this industry, Dr. Kablan has a number of exciting projects ahead of him as 2021 continues on including helping the gulf region invest in the AI world. He is also pushing ahead with a vision for advanced semiconductors.
“I want to see the Morfyk vision for advanced semiconductors come true. Advancing semiconductors using Neuromorphic engineering will disrupt all disciplines from AI to blockchain making it smarter, faster and much more energy efficient. I also want to see Wyzer grow and succeed further.
I believe in the potential of Arabia, a region which for centuries ago was the pinnacle of civilisation and culture but then fell far behind when they stopped producing technology. Recently, Covid was like a reset button for the whole world and I want to re-discover my Arabian roots by investing heavily in promoting and implementing many of my ideas and tech-driven initiatives in the Arabian Gulf, a region which I think that today it has a lot of potential to witness a renaissance of the Arabian ingenuity. From AI, to process engineering, and neuromorphic computers there is an opportunity for these technologies to prosper in this region.
Pushing for such initiatives has immense potential both economical and technological, and will also optimise and enhance the infrastructural backbone that will in turn lead to things like the advancement of research and development, the efficient delivery of public services and the creation of efficient true ‘smart’ cities will also become a realistic goal once there is direct access to such advanced home grown technologies is enabled and nourished. The semiconductor powers everything and producing such technologies would have a positive impact and will yield many beneficial results which might be the true spark that is needed for the region, a paradigm shift, a technological revolution,” Dr. Kablan says.
To find out more about Dr. Abdalla Kablan, you can follow him on instagram here and check out his website here